Conference: Vallo Alpino


24 September 2021, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.


Vallo Alpino
Die Zukunft? Die Zukunft!
Il futuro? Il futuro!
The future? The future!



As part of the research project on the so-called “Vallo Alpino,” a conference bringing together international experts from different disciplines will be held in the Franzensfeste Fortress.



What are we to make of heritage in the context of the monumental fortifications of Vallo Alpino? Are the bunkers of Südtirol/Alto Adige monuments or sources of energy? Are they non-places of the past or sites with great potential for the future?

The conference at the Landesmuseum will focus on fascism’s cultural artifacts in the Alps and will examine challenging questions surrounding their value and utilization. The topics span from research via agrarian economy to manifestations of counter-culture and youth culture.

It is beyond dispute that the large complex dating from World War II symbolizes a dark past. Yet it is also beyond doubt that the attention Vallo Alpino attracts throughout Europe can set in motion a contemporary approach to these unusual cultural artifacts and, in the process, open up astonishing perspectives.

These themes will be presented at the conference and discussed with the general public. A wide range of possibilities regarding the interpretation and design of the fortifications will be explored, demonstrating how this site, which bears witness to the region’s history, can be used creatively and constructively.


To participate to the conference, please fill out this registration form and send it to: by 23.09.2021.

Zoom link for online participation in the conference:
For registration it is obligatory to enter the first and last name as well as the email address.


Program, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Esther Erlacher - Koordinatorin - coordinatrice - coordinator Landesmuseum Festung Franzensfeste - Museo provinciale Forte di Fortezza

Heimo Prünster - wissenschaftliche Leitung des Forschungsprojektes "Valle Alpino Littorio"
Report of the Research Project "Vallo Alpino in South Tyrol"

Andrea Di Michele - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Libera Università di Bolzano
Il Vallo Alpino alla luce dei rapporti tra Italia e Germania tra anni Venti e Trenta

Waltraud Kofler Engl - Plattform Kulturerbe, Freie Universität Bozen
Bunker. Ein dissonantes kulturelles Erbe

Ute Bauer-Wassmann - IFAG - Interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum Architektur und Geschichte, Wien
Vom Fundort zum Gedenkort? Zum Umgang mit historisch belasteten Bauten

Anna Scuttari - Eurac Research, Center for Advanced Studies
Progetto MyBZ e alcuni esempi di altri progetti locali che hanno elaborato la propria memoria storica.

Mona Schieren - Hochschule für Künste, Bremen
Zu(m) Bunkern künstlerisch forschen

Simon Graf - Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Universität Freiburg
Panzersperren in der Schweiz. Zwischen Kulturerbe, ökologischer Aufwertung, Gartenaccessoire und Abenteuerspielplatz


Rafaël Deroo - EFFORTS secretary general and Atlantikwall Europe coordination
Establishing fortified heritage and bunker lines in Europe

Carl Philipp Hohenbühel - Südtiroler Burgeninstitut
Beispiel erfolgreicher Interessensvertretung von lokalen Festungsbauten: das Südtiroler Burgeninstitut

Alessia Zampini - Facoltà di architettura, Università di Bologna
Progetto di valorizzazione della Linea Galla Placidia

Hannes Götsch - Basis Vinschgau
Legales und Illegales in Südtiroler Militärstrukturen

Hendryk von Busse - Wall & Space association, Halle
Projekt ARTlantic Wall - Painting the Coast

Markus Krauss - Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, München
Klima und Energiepotentiale von Bunkern

Dieter Haas - Kellerei St. Pauls Gen. Landwirt. Gesellschaft
Sektproduktion in einem Bunker

Esther Erlacher - Koordinatorin - coordinatrice - coordinator Landesmuseum Festung Franzensfeste - Museo provinciale Forte di Fortezza

Download the programme: Vallo Alpino


The Green Pass is required to attend the conference.
