Transform – Life wants to be moved


13 May – 30 May 2021


Light installations for the International Day of Light on 16 May.


We live in a time of constant change. Rigid structures are broken and new things emerge. Change brings opportunities as well as risks. For the Day of Light on 16 May, the artist Petra Polli has designed a concept that deals with change and the related transformation. The project is conceived as a three-part work. In three different places Polli installs texts dedicated to the theme of change. The history and significance of the respective location flow into the work and thus become an important part of the installation.

In the Herrengarten, right in the centre of Brixen, a green neon sign runs from west to east. The word TRANSFORM here becomes the carrier of a universal message. Green is the colour of hope. It refers to the opportunity that every change holds. When change takes place, the existing is usually replaced by the new, spaces are newly occupied and used. Every change is based on a rupture, which can be sharp and abrupt, or flowing and barely perceptible.

On the square between Neustift Abbey and the Engelsburg Castle, wooden pallets are piled up, assembled into an installation. Contrary to their original function, they are immobile and rigid here. Red LED tickers are attached to them. They are dynamic verbs that glide across the pallets in different languages.

The third location is the Franzensfeste Fortress. The fortress has had various functions in the course of its history and was thus itself subject to constant change. On a clearly visible fortress wall, the following sentence is projected with the help of a large spotlight: DAS LEBEN WILL BEWEGT WERDEN (LIFE WANTES TO BE MOVED). This statement forms the conclusion of the three installations and expresses the basic idea.


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